The Full Moon in Libra, also called Pink Moon, brings soothing and balancing energies to our mind and soul, but also emotional unrest during these difficult times.
Full Moons are culmination points, when all the efforts provided during the waxing phase of the Moon reach their conclusions and rewards begin to show. Whether you have achieved your goals or failed to reach them, the full Moon is a time to release, exhale and forgive.
The energy around the full Moon is high, intense and boiling, creating feelings of excitement and bringing forth our wilder, untamed side. Since the Moon is in Libra, now a good time to channel this energy into Libran activities, such as art, painting, sculpting, writing, music, reading, acting, or anything that is done with the intention of creating beauty. With Venus, ruler of Libra, currently in Gemini, this is a good time to work on your eloquence; to find the beauty in your way of thinking; to perfect your communication skills; and for manual or mind activities.
The Moon is opposite the Sun in Aries, so the Individual vs Relationships polarity takes centre stage. During the New Moon in Aries, we asked, “Who am I? What do I need?” Tonight we ask, “What do others need? How do my actions affect those around me? Am I being fair to myself and others? Where in my life do I need to find balance?”
Full Moon, Transits & Corona pandemic
Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus bring disruption, rebellious acts, erratic behaviour, impulsive action and unrest. After weeks of lockdown in most countries, some will be tempted to go against the restrictions imposed by authority and will begin to test the latter’s limits. Questions around individual freedom, data privacy, revenue, wealth and societal management will arise.
Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn is a major transit that brings important changes in established order and government. It brings outdated structures to everyone’s attention and exposes toxic behaviour. The Libran energy of the Moon, reinforced by the delicate Mars square Uranus transit, raises a cry for truth and justice for the sake of balance and harmony.
Mercury and Neptune in Pisces can lead to misinformation and sensitive subjects being concealed. These transits, emphasised by the full Moon energy, also affect mental health, until the Moon begins to wane. Mercury sextile Jupiter-Pluto allows you to think big and positively, to put the pieces together, to find new ways of communicating and to look for truth behind the veil of illusion.
In the name of justice and love, May you find your truth and speak your mind, In these troubling, yet exciting, times.
~ Alexandra ~
Image: unknown