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Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, 19 November 2021

Alexandra Cacavas

Eclipse season is upon us once again, with a partial lunar eclipse taking place on Friday 19 November at 9:57 a.m. (CET) at 27 degrees of Taurus.

Lunar eclipses occur when the Earth gets between the Sun & the Moon, temporarily blocking the Sun’s rays from reaching the full Moon. Full Moons are highly emotional times during which energy pours outwards, but lunar eclipses bring about a more grounding Earth energy.

Nevertheless, a lunar eclipse remains a very powerful full Moon, and its effects are often manifested abruptly on the physical plane. They shine a light on what is missing from certain areas of our lives. It is a time of closure, of great climaxes and obvious conclusions.

The lunar eclipse in Taurus is asking us to look at the seeds (i.e. goals, desires) that were planted in the spring: have they grown into the flowers we were wishing for? Was our harvest abundant this year? It is time to clear our inner and outer gardens by separating the weeds from the healthy plants.

Taurus is a fixed Earth sign. The grounding energies of the Earth remind us that through hard work comes great reward. To manifest our dreams, we have to persevere until we have achieved our goals, slowly but surely, one step at a time, despite the challenges that may present themselves along the way. Wherever you are on your path, it is a time to review the last six months, and to look back at both your achievements and failures with pride.

Questions that may arise at this time: In which area of life do I need to work harder or create more abundance? Is my plan working or do I need to review it? What/Who do I need to let go of in order to introduce more harmony and grounding into my life? What do I need to change in my diet or lifestyle in order to be even healthier?

The full Moon shines a light on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. As the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, interrupting their cosmic love dance, Mother Earth reminds us of our earthly duties (Taurus) and of the karma (Scorpio) that has accumulated on her surface. On this powerful full Moon, we are reaping the consequences of the actions that are not founded on unconditional love, both on a collective and on a personal level.

While this may feel uncomfortable and heavy, there is no better time than Scorpio season to integrate, heal and work with the shadow. On this lunar eclipse, the key is Jupiter, our lucky star, in Aquarius, the sign of community: We do not have to do this alone. Let's reach out to our brothers and sisters; they will gladly lend us a hand.

When we heal ourselves, we heal the entire world.

🌕 Happy Lunar Eclipse 🌕

lunar eclipse photography
© Photo taken by me during the partial lunar eclipse in Capricorn, 16 July 2019.


Alexandra Cacavas | Astrologer & Esoteric Facilitator
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