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Virgo Season, Planetary Updates & Post-Retrograde Phase

Alexandra Cacavas

Virgo, the Virgin. A sign that is often overlooked due to its mundane characteristics and that makes people grin at the sexual connotation it carries. Yet, past the mainstream interpretation of Virgo lies an ancient deity with deep symbolism: the myth of Persephone.

Persephone is the personification of Nature. The maiden was abducted by Hades, god of Death, and taken to the underworld (Scorpio) where she resides half of the year, during the winter months. During Virgo season, crops are harvested and stocked for the winter. The Earth is laid bare, naked, fragile and virgin. Cold and vulnerable, she saves the little energy she has left to retreat underground and goes through her little death, only to emerge again in spring.

Persephone and her mother Demeter were venerated in secret religious rites in many ancient cultures, the most famous of which were the Eleusinian mysteries in Ancient Greece. Hence, Virgo is the archetype of the Priestess and the sign of Virgo associated with rituals. Virgo is pure, initiated, favoured and holds the keys to the mysteries of Gaia. She is devoted to her mother, to her creations and to the unseen forces that also reside on Earth.

From 22 August to 22 September, the Sun shines a light on the Virgo-Pisces axis. A balance is sought between the mundane and the spiritual. This axis is about reconciling the abstract with 3D reality, finding the sacred in the ordinary and transforming routines into rituals. Virgo also rules health, daily work and service to others. She teaches devotion, healing and living through the act of giving without expecting anything in return. Virgo is a hard worker, as she has to prepare for winter, but her strive for perfection can lead her to be her own worst critic. She must get out of her head and into her heart to find what she yearns to hear from others: that she is good enough.

Mercury, ruler of Virgo, is in its home sign until 5 September. This heralds a productive time, as our minds are sharp and our communication is clear and precise. This is a good time for mental and analytical work, studies and gathering information on favoured subjects.

On 9 September, Mars goes retrograde in Aries until 13 November. We are in for a bumpy ride, as the charging Warrior faces setbacks and rides with the breaks on. Mars will be squaring the planets in Capricorn more than once during his retrograde, which will make us revalue our stance and relationship with authority. We are asked to revalue our plans and projects, the way we assert ourselves in the world and the way we come across to other people. In the sign of Aries, it is the perfect opportunity to tap into and develop our leadership skills.

On 12 September, Jupiter goes direct in Capricorn and is the first planet to put an end to the long period of retrogrades. The wheels are set in motion, urging us to make up for lost time, which could lead to excess and overindulgence. It is important to control our impulses, as the intention is not to go back to the way things were before the retrograde.

Earth is the dominant element followed by Water, making this a very feminine (yin) time. At this stage, it is not just an opportunity, but an obligation, to heal, accept and integrate the divine feminine energy that resides in all of us, regardless of gender.

Artwork: "La Plume" by Alphonse Mucha (1897, Art Nouveau)


Alexandra Cacavas | Astrologer & Esoteric Facilitator
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